Factors that Support Children's Wellbeing, Development and Learning.

Download the 'Factors that support children's wellbeing, development and learning' poster here.  These are the 5 Domains that make up the Australian Early Development Census. It includes examples to support positive child development in families and via community. 

(Reference: Australian Early Development Census. An Australian Government Initiative)
  Family  Community 

Physical Health & Wellbeing 

  • Nourishment, warmth and shelter
  • Opportunities to practice fine and gross motor skills
  • Supportive environments that foster physical independence
  • Social support structures for families facing hardship
  • Accessible and welcoming areas for children and families to engage in outdoor play
  • Accessible health services
  • Food security

Social Competence 


  • Opportunities to interact with adults and peers
  • Opportunities to play
  • Consistency and support – set boundaries and limits while also understanding and celebrating children’s emerging autonomy
  • Story reading and play
  • Supports in ECEC services for children who are not coping with the demands of the learning and social environment
  • Accessible, high quality early childhood education and care services or playgroups
  • Opportunities to interact regularly with peers and develop friendships
  • Opportunities for children to engage in free play with peers
  • Support parents in their parenting

Emotional Maturity 

  • Supportive adult interactions in the early years while learning to regulate emotions
  • Opportunities to practice emotion regulation across settings and situations
  • Supportive adult interactions in the early years while learning to persevere when challenged
  • Adults who provide new information when children are calm and focused
  • Adults who respond to children’s emotions respectfully and empathetically
  • Opportunities for play
  • Supports for children who have experienced trauma
  • Trained educators who are able to support children who have experienced trauma
  • Opportunities for play (e.g. playgroups)
  • Opportunities for parents to develop skills and capabilities that will empower them to support their children’s emotional development
  • Low cost or no cost parenting supports for families facing hardship

Language and Cognitive Skills 

  • Opportunities to practice memory, problem solving skills, and creative thinking
  • Exposure to reading and numerical concepts
  • Create learning opportunities in routine activities and play
  • Language rich early environments that encourage children to talk and share what they know
  • Access to quality early childhood services (e.g. preschool and playgroup)

Communication Skills and General Knowledge 

  • Opportunities for listening and talking
  • Imaginative play
  • Story telling
  • Accessibility of high quality early learning environments (e.g. playgroups, library programs, child and parent centres)
Reference: Australian Early Development Census. An Australian Government Initiative. 

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