Southside Initiative

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."  
(Helen Keller)

The Southside Initiative is a collaboration between:

  • YWCA Canberra
  • Woden Community Service
  • Community Services #1

The Initiative was developed in late 2022 in response to the 2021 Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) data which suggests there is an increasing number of Canberra children being identified as developmentally vulnerable across the 5 AEDC Domains. The Southside Initiative will focus on the southern suburbs of Canberra with a particular focus on Tuggeranong areas. 

The Southside Initiative aims to develop community driven, place-based solutions to better support vulnerable children 0-8 years and their families. This initiative uses a collaborative and community focused model to develop and trial practical activities and initiatives aimed at improving life outcomes for children and families who live in the southside. 

Stay up to date with our current priority areas. 

Download and display the Southside Initiative Poster with QR Codes to the above resources here

Read the AEDC Community Story: Southside Initiative (published toward the end of 2023) here.

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