Supporting ACT Schools Health and Mental Wellbeing

The Healthy Schools Network ACT is a collaboration of local Not-For-Profit organisations that actively promote health and mental wellbeing in ACT primary schools, secondary schools and the early childhood years. Our organisations can assist ACT school teachers, school support workers and educators in many ways, including staff training, class-room resources, awareness tools, recognised programs, professional learning and general support.

What We Offer

Click on a priority area below to view what’s available for ACT schools.

Latest News

What’s new?

Winter Walk to School Week is 5-9 August

20 June 2024

Throughout the week, schools are encouraged to promote active travel for those children who are physically able to. It is an opportunity for students, teachers and parents to incorporate physical activity into their day.

Game On Pop Ups

29 May 2024

Game On is all about moving our bodies and having fun! Physical Activity Foundation is offering a series of FREE 4 Pop-up events each in 8-10 selected communities around the ACT - look for a Game On near you! 

SunSmart UV Alert