
MindMap ACT Youth Portal is a dedicated portal for children and young people (up to 25 years of age) to help navigate Canberra’s mental health system and to find the right service and support.

The portal has around 300 online resources relating to mental health and wellbeing, including, understanding mental health challenges, useful strategies, and best practice resources from multiple websites. It’s also available to help parents, carers and service providers link up with existing local services and supports.

You can navigate the 24-hour portal yourself, anytime, to find information about mental health services and helpful information. To help you to find the right support for your needs, you can access the navigation tool which guides you to the most appropriate services and resources by asking you a set of questions about you and your current support needs.

If you prefer to contact someone about finding the right service or information you can talk to the team via phone, email or webchat.

Who Is MindMap? 

MindMap is a new, community led portal, co-designed by the ACT Government and various community organisations including Marymead, Australian National University, ACT Youth Coalition and the ACT Youth Advisory Committee to help young Canberrans and their carers find timely and effective mental health support services and resources.

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